File court documents anytime, anywhere with Odyssey eFileCA
Odyssey® eFileCA allows users to easily open court cases and e-file documents to a number of California courts anytime and from anywhere — 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. E-filing court documents significantly streamlines the case filing process and provides benefits to both the filer and the court.
Courts Accepting E-Filings
The following courts are now accepting e-filed records:
- Alameda Superior Court
- Butte Superior Court
- Calaveras Superior Court
- Colusa Superior Court
- Contra Costa Superior Court
- Fresno Superior Court
- Kern Superior Court
- Kings Superior Court
- Los Angeles Superior Court
- Mariposa Superior Court
- Mendocino Superior Court
- Merced Superior Court
- Monterey Superior Court
- Napa Superior Court
- Orange Superior Court
- San Bernardino Superior Court
- San Diego Superior Court
- San Luis Obispo Superior Court
- Santa Barbara Superior Court
- Santa Clara Superior Court
- Santa Cruz Superior Court
- San Mateo Superior Court
- Sonoma Superior Court
- Stanislaus Superior Court
- Sutter Superior Court
- Tehama Superior Court
- Yolo Superior Court
- Yuba Superior Court
Certified Providers
An electronic filing service provider (EFSP) provides an online service to help you file your documents, and acts as the intermediary between you and the Odyssey eFileCA system. Each EFSP offers a variety of additional services and you should evaluate which provider meets your filing needs
Configuration Standards
In an effort to create uniformity and a consistent efiling experience across the state, the eFiling Configuration Standards Committee developed a set of configuration standards. This common set of case types, filing codes and options were recently approved by the committee and are being rolled out to all active courts across the state.
Download the California eFiling Configuration Standards document »
No Lawyer?
Odyssey Guide & File is a free, online service that helps you fill out forms to send to court in three simple steps:
- Answer questions online.
- Review your forms.
- Send your forms to court either by e-filing, mailing, or taking them to court.